Monday, February 15, 2010

602 Lan Free Url Filtering Software For LAN?

Free url filtering software for LAN? - 602 lan


Do you know a URL filtering software is free for a server? Server, as a proxy and end-users, all through the proxy server for all traffic to be filtered. URL filter must be able to filter sites based on content such as gambling, for example, malicious content on the basis of class, such as, online gambling, violence, free software, etc.. I have 602 LAN Suite, and I'm happy for other software, if they are out there that is free. its recommendations are welcome.



PAGEmod H said...

Currently I have https: / / also try using proxies.They have both CGI and PHP proxies in them.
A very good reputation, have enabled SSL to provide new domains by sending an email to

I have proxy sites over the years, if PHP CGI watever Glype,
Today, it seems, the filter always high (Websense, K9, ignore BESS)
a few things you should observe if a web proxy:

"A. I would take a (standard filter block coz most of the proxy sites) are
Can the words "or other powers, such as MySpace, Orkut, Bebo therein. (This keyword filter)
-On the side of safety must be encrypted using SSL (https sites filter find them difficult to scan)
-If a reliable supplier and new areas (for owners of proxy update to steal our data to
Reality in the eye fields will be blocked at the end so that it is necessary to establish new contacts.)
"I would recommend CGI proxy, even though they are often the expected results.

Happy surfing, has been the hope of benefit

Dunbar Pappy ϟϟ said...

We searched through all the available evidence, but there may be something here: ...

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